2024-2025 School Information & Parent Handbook
This document 2024-2025 Summerside school info and parent handbook contains information about our code of conduct, procedures, entry and dismissal, safe arrival and absence reporting, use of technology and the Ministry of Educations’ new PPM 128 with respect to personal mobile devices at school, and volunteer information and links. Please consider bookmarking the document for reference. We update it regularly. You can also find it at any time on our school website.
Late Arrivals & Early Pick-ups
It is of utmost importance for students to arrive at school punctually. Late students disrupt the classroom dynamics and miss out on valuable learning opportunities.
Please avoid picking up students early unless it is due to medical appointments, as this can also disrupt their learning and the overall learning environment.
Bus Transportation
Parents of students who will be taking the bus are encouraged to sign up for notifications with OSTA in the event of bus delays or cancellations. The link to sign up for the Parent Portal is included here for your convenience. http://www.ottawaschoolbus.ca/
Entry and Exit Points:
Bus students use an entrance in the gate (bus gate) off Stormwind Avenue at the bus lane and proceed to their line (kindergarten students will be taken from the bus to the kindergarten gate and then the kindergarten yard by an educator).
Kindergarten students and students in specialized program classes use the gate on Stormwind Avenue closer to the school, at the very end of the bus lane. An educator will meet you there and escort your child to the kinder play area or into the school during inclement weather. Siblings of these students may also use this entrance and move to their gathering places.
Walkers or those being driven to school must use one of the two entrances off the parking lot/gym side of the building. One is next to the gym and the other is far off in the southwest backfield off the Boisdale Park (the boundary is formed by the following streets - Ashenvale Way/Emerillon Ridge/Boisdale Walk). This seems like an awesome drop off spot. :-) Please see the attached map and the link below to note the locations.
Summerside Map for Entry & Exit 2024-25
Entry and Dismissal
Students will enter the school at 8:30 AM, with their lines escorted by their teachers. Supervision starts on the playground at 8:15 AM, and staff will be outdoors at that time. Please do not drop off students prior to 8:15 AM.
At 2:50 PM, Kindergarten students will begin to move outdoors. Older classes will come out at 3:00 PM. Students boarding buses and vans will be supervised by staff, while students in Kindergarten (and their siblings) will be dismissed at the Kindergarten gate. All other students will make their way to the parking lot for dismissal. Many staff are on the tarmac at the end of the day, and we ask parents to stay outside of the gates so that staff can maintain eye contact with students for maximum safety until they are dismissed from school. Yard supervision ends at 3:10pm.